Cyclurban project partner “Ideas into energy” finalized its recommendations aiming to foster the further development of cycling in Slovakia. The proposed 7 measures should be implemented by decision-makers in the years to come in order to boost cycling’s slow uptake evident in the last years, and mainly addressing the Slovak national goal of 10% share of bicycle transport on the overall transport by 2020.

A set of national policy recommendations for Slovakia targets the main barriers hindering the further deployment of cycling transport in the country. These recommendations are divided into three priority areas; i.e. legislative changes, capacity building as well as education and awareness raising. For instance, the obligatory establishment of bicycle parking spaces in new residential buildings, better visual labelling of 30 km/h zones, or the establishment of certified trainers in the field of cycling transport as well as other measures are proposed. After their successful implementation, the further growth of cycling should be achieved at relatively low implementation costs. The recommendations represent measures with the possibility of their immediate and medium-term implementation, which are directed towards different stakeholders, and which mitigate the barriers identified.

The document was developed after the strategic status quo analysis of national-level policies and cycling-related initiatives in the first place. Secondly, it also builds on the results of interviews conducted with Slovak stakeholders and a few working meetings with a civic association Cycling Coalition and the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic (MDV SR) around the turn of the year 2018/2019.